Wednesday 25 November 2015

Practice Hybrid

Despite having to make 2 prosthetic pieces I really wanted to do a run through of my whole design so I would know what I needed to fix or add to my final look. I am so glad I had done this even though my tutors questioned whether it was a good idea and maybe I should use that as my final, but I had added so much to help bring the look together.

I started of by applying my piece bit by bit so applying the prosaid to both sides a section by section, this was such a good idea when doing a big piece like I had done mainly because the sides didn't stick down to each other and it gave me a more precise application process.

I sort of like the way I applied the piece but some sections of it split from the baldez mainly because I think I made it too hard as I didn't put a great deal of deadner in it, so for my next one I am going to make the piece a lot softer so this wont happen. I also didn't apply it very straight so it has kind of bubbled near the eyebrow.

The colouring I am really pleased with and it's exactly the shade that I have hoped for but as my inital design asked for more than one prosthetic piece but I realised I cant do that I am going to build the forehead and block the eyebrows out using cinewax. I have used it before and although slightly awkward to use it does have a good effect. Obviously I am also going to the chest as my model is not actually wearing anything for his top half.

Things I am going to change for my final:

Make a softer piece
Apply the piece straight and not bent near the eyebrow
Block out the eyebrows either using wax or glue
Build up the forehead using wax

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