Saturday 14 November 2015

Making My Hybrid Mould + Silicone

For my bearded dragon I originally wanted to make a few pieces but have then come to realise that not only do I not have enough silicone but I cant overlay them and my idea was to cross them over. The piece that I went for in the end was the eyebrow and down the nose section, I measured my models face and then started on sculpting my design, below is how it looked before I cast it.

 My first attempt of casting went awful, it was all going smoothly but the problem was when it came to mixing the silicones, I didn't mix them together enough so only certain areas set and some didn't, below is what my failed attempted looked like.

So, before I thought I didn't have enough silicone, now after having to remake my main piece, I REALLY didn't have enough silicone, never the less I got it done and below is my silicone mould with the piece actually setting in it. This time, both the mould and the piece came out well. The only issue is, is that I think I made my initial mould slightly wonky as some areas are a lot thinner than the other this became an issue when applying my piece and some of it split luckily this was only on my practice and when I made my second silicone piece I tried to keep as much as the silicone in that area when scraping over the top.

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