Sunday 15 November 2015

Flour And Water VS Fullers Earth

I basically had to find a product that would help me represent my idea of dry desert like skin, I found 2 options, fullers earth and flour and water. I had no idea about the effect of either of them so decided to put them to a test and compare.

This was how they both applied: (Fullers earth is the darker one)

Then this is how they looked when they were both completely dry:

Fullers Earth:

Fullers earth took the longest out the 2 to dry, in the end I had to hold a warm hair-dryer on it and even then, as you can see, it wasn't completely dry. I really like the effect but I don't think it fits in with my idea; the cracks seem to be too uniform and in straight lines rather than really random which is what I would have liked. Not only that I feel that it may be difficult to colour with the colour scheme that I am after as the grey tone will really mute my yellowy tones. The main factor for me not being completely satisfied with fullers earth would be the drying time is way too long and I would also need to colour it.

Flour and Water:

This was more of the look that I was going for, this dried a lot quicker than the fullers earth and that was without a hair dryer, not only that but I had more freedom in creating what cracks I wanted and you had to move the skin underneath to create these cracks - this then resulted in being a lot more random and some sections came off etc. Also the base colour to this was a cream which would be so much easier to colour than the fullers earth would. I am going to use flour and water to create the dry effect on my model.

(UPDATE: Flour and water didn't work great on the hair - it didn't crack when it was drying, whereas fullers earth, although took ages to dry, worked a lot better and gave a similar effect on the hair to what the flour and water did on the skin)

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