Even though I previously looked at one of the most iconic prosthetic based films around I wanted to look at how other directors and make up artists used my idea of a lizard and then made it into a hybrid character.

Chris Walas and Brian Wade are the creators of the creatures called 'Dracs' in the film 'Enemy Mine'. The basic story line is about the constant war between the humans and the Dracs - a reptilian like creature that is similar to us humans. Willis Davidge, the main character then crashes onto a planet along with a Drac, they then leanr to cooporate and work to together to try and survive.
It was interesting to look at a completely different route to using a reptile as a source of inspiration, Chris Walas (the main man behind the appearance of the Dracs) was to go down a more sci route due to the genre of the film, whereas I could potentially go down any route that I might find interesting.
These masks were originally made out of rubber and reapplied every time they were needed.
Below is a close up of one of the Dracs, I feel like Walas mainly focused on the texture of a lizard rather than the shape of the head,
although saying this I really love the shape that
http://aliens.wikia.com/wiki/Drac |
has been created especially at the back of the head. The look as a whole I think is incredible and you can really see where the inspiration for this character has come from. The only criticism I have would be the odd line around the mouth, I don't know where this is relating to something in regard to the design of a certain type of reptile but I just feel it makes it look like an obvious mask whereas if that line was seamless I think it could have brought a sense of realism to the characters.
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