Monday 2 November 2015

Australian Outback (Arid Regions)

Rather than picking an ecosystem to study I chose to choose the reptile I wanted to look at and then research into the environment attached to it. I had a mate whos always had a thing for lizards, I guess you could call it a hobby, he mainly inspired my choice of character - I feel like if you like an animal as much as he does and also own a few different species of lizards then they must be pretty cool. Anyway, I did my research into lizards (and asked him for his favourites) and the majority were situated in the Outback, so this is what I have chosen.

Specifically I am going to look at the arid regions, the part where there is very little moisture and rain and the vegetation is limited. I chose the be specific in my research mainly because the australian outback is HUGE and there is a variety of climates within it like a rainforest for example where the tropics are very wet and rainfall much more common. This area is dry and hot, just the right climate for my lizards to live.

Below are the lizards that I have chosen to specifically look at, eventually I am going to chose 1 but each one is going to help influence a design idea and maybe all would contribute to the final look.


The texture was key thing that I looked at in this lizard, it would be interesting to recreate these spikes and even the colours.


Despite these being quite boring and uninteresting to look at I personally really liked the protruding lumps above the eye.


This goes without saying really, the whole concept if these is interesting to look at from the colour to the texture of their scales and the shape they form.


Although no necessarily native to Australia they are still a resident there. The shape of their head really interested me and the small spike underneath their mouth intrigued me.

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