Saturday 14 November 2015

Bearded Dragon Design 1

This is the design that I am going to create, mainly because the shape of its head really influenced my prosthetic piece design in comparison to my other ideas. I also really liked the fact the prosthetic nose section gives the illusion that the eyes are really far apart similarly to a bearded dragon. Originally I was going to chose the frilled neck lizard but decided against it mainly for the fact I wasn't using any inspiration to its main feature, its neck, but mainly the colours and texture. However, I really fell in love with incorporating the warm browns and sandy yellows of a bearded dragons skin tone into my design. Not only that but I took inspiration from the ecosystem that they come from by trying to
translate the dryness and the cracks of the desert floor using fullers earth so it cracks over the skin. I tried to stay away from trying to portray the texture of a lizard onto the skin mainly because it seemed quite generic but when I practice my design I may try it out and see what it looks like.

As you can see there is going to be certain areas of the face and body that will have fullers earth on to give the illusion of dry mud soaked cracking skin, the fullers earth will also be spread in the hair to give the illusion of slicked back hair. I chose not to do a bald cap mainly because the fullers earth mixed in with the hair would give an interesting texture. My model is male so he will be posing topless which then means I will have to consider making up his torso for the picture.

Above is my body chart, like I just said I went with a male model so he would be okay with sitting there topless. I will be putting flour and water all through his hair and down his back to replicate the dryness of the Australian outback as well as certain areas on his chest. My photo will be taken just above nipple height so anything down to there would need to be coloured.

I am definitely going to chose this as my design as I like the fact I incorporated an element of the environment that a bearded dragon lives in rather than just the actual bearded dragon itself.

The cracked effect didn't quite come out the way I had desired it to but I do know it worked because I did this hair chart after I had done my look, mainly because this was not my original design as I was going to use flour and water but it didn't crack on the hair, instead I had to use fullers earth which is what is on the paper right now. The colour from the head and nape of the neck was dragged over to give it a slight tint not a full on colour which was what my original design was going to be. I had to give up on this idea because it would have been a lot of work to colour the fullers earth white and then colour it to the way I want it. Either way even though I had to completely change the hair design I think I much prefer it, it added a cool tone to my look which it needed but I was unaware that it needed it until I added it.

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