Saturday 14 November 2015

John Chambers - 'Planet Of The Apes' (1968)

John Chambers - the man behind the 'Planet Of The Apes' (1968) a very clear example of a human hybrid. The human like body and behaviour but a very realistic (for the time it was created) Ape like physique and appearance.
Despite this not linking to any of my ideas I thought it would be interesting to look at as Chambers sparked a revolution in the make up sfx world with the creation of his ape masks, not only was he a strong point of inspiration but he also created products that we use today. For example, paint that doesn't crack, foam latex which allowed heat and moisture through and an adhesive that dries matte.

One of the many impressive features to Chambers ape work was the fact he could change the actor so radically yet the original features and facials expressions were still noticeable. Looking at his work from a perspective of someone that is in the 21st century and has a lot wider access to materials and equipment that were not available back then, the whole concept and application is very futuristic and possibly at the standard that many artists in this day are now working towards. He is an important person in the make up industry as well as a very important influence to this project - he is able to create something so animal like yet you can tell that it still has human form that has characteristic from its ape ancestors and evolutionary features that have developed in result of the environment that they come from.

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