Saturday 24 October 2015


Once I found out how I was going to remove the wound and apply the wound to the body and make the edges look seamless I was able to start practising. This was my first attempt.

At first everything was going fine, the application was relatively smooth and the blending went quite well. Until I got to the colouring of the wound, I really don't like anything I have done in my practice attempt, the colouring is too intense and makes it look really fake and really theatrical which wasn't what I had intended. For my final look I am going to make the majority of the wound blend into the skin with only a slight bit of red around the outside to represent the swollen skin, and more of the darker red tone inside the wound itself. Another issue was that my actual face make up was too caked on and didn't look as natural as I wanted it to, again, too theatrical. Next time I am leaving my model base free and only slightly emphasising the under eye bags and sores on noes and hollowed cheeks. The thing that I though was really successful was the black eye - I really like how that came out, it looks natural but against the extremely pale thick complexion makes it look fake. I'm also not happy with the hair (bottom picture) I think I am going to do it more of a mid length pony tail with bits of hair hanging down. Either way, I am very glad I don't have to use this as my final outcome as it definitely doesn't suit the idea in my head.

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