Sunday 4 October 2015

Introduction To Project Breif

For the main part of this project we have been asked to create a Hybrid character that would fit into an environment of our own choice. This character has to have certain (prosthetic) elements to it to show that it has adapted and evolved from its environment - to do this I am going to start looking into different ecosystems and different animals and creatures that live in these specific paces to gain inspiration.

For the first part of the brief we have been asked to create a wound, the type of wound depends of what you randomly drew, you don't necessarily have to link it to the human hybrid part of the project but to help with the story behind my character and why they got that wound I might try and incorporate the 2 together if I am allowed.

The New part of the title refers to to creation of our human hybrid and where he/she/it came from.

My interest in prosthetics was the main reason I wanted to study hair and make up at university, I enjoyed the idea of either creating something so realistic or creating something so fantastical but also has to look somewhat believable. I was sceptical about what to expect for second year and if it was really going to suit my needs but after hearing the project brief I've realised that this is right down my street and can't wait to actually get properly into designing it. At current I am not fearing anything about this project - guarantee in a few weeks this will change.

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