Sunday 18 October 2015

Character Synopsis + Look

The character for my bite mark is going to relate to a domestic rape scene, where a young girl is being domestically abused by her boyfriend and she turns down his offer for sex. He obviously doesn't respect her wishes and continues to have sex with her without her consent. Psychologically he's messed up, she fights back, he continues to throw punches and forces her down, he then fulfils his psychotic fetish's and starts biting her on the neck, he then obviously bites down too hard and breaks the skin drawing blood and leaving a bruised, bloody indented bite mark on her neck.

She will have little to no 'visible' make up on other than a smudge bit of mascara under the eyes. On one eye there will be a black eye, a few days old will be slightly yellow and slightly purple. Chapped and bloody lips, heavy bags under her eyes from crying and lack of sleep. Pale thin skin with drawn in cheekbones to portray her malnourished body and of course the bruised bloody bite mark on her neck. Face chart below replicates what I just said. The whole aesthetic to my final photo will relate to the scene above and also her previous situations, she will be looking lifeless and sorry for herself.

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