Saturday 24 October 2015

Evaluation For Wound

Overall I am very satisfied with my final outcome originally I thought I was going to complete my piece the first time round but I am actually really glad that it didn't go how I would have like it the first time. Mainly because I feel doing the look twice helped me over come situations that I didn't necessarily see as an issue immediately for example, the skin appearance of the practice shot. I didn't see this as being an issue until I had uploaded my image onto my blog and then realised that it looks too fake and too staged similarly to the actual wound itself - the colouring looked awful first time round. Re doing my look also gave me chances to change certain things about it that I didn't see to be the main focus like the garments and the hair: all of this together really made the image. The first practice was the first time that I have ever applied a prosthetic piece so for the outcome to be decent was probably a long shot. Although it wasn't terrible it wasn't as good as my final, I trimmed the baldez which gave me less to blend out with alcohol thus creating a smoother application. Overall I am very happy with how my look came out especially as it was a very hard thing to do to make it believable and not to fantastical. As I had previously mentioned, the black eye got very bleached out with the flash resulting in it looking just tired, never the less you can still slightly see it.

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