Before I looked into examples of human bites I wanted to do some research into teeth, with basically 0 knowledge of the human mouth and how much damage it can do I thought this would be the best place to start.
![]() | dental-education/images/type-of-teeth.png |
Canine - Sharpest of all the teeth, these are used to chew and rip food also. Would leave the deepest mark on the skin
Premolars - Crush the food when chewing, depending on how big the persons jaw is these will only slightly leave a mark.
Molars - Chew food. These shouldn't be seen in a bite mark due to the placement in the mouth.
After doing some research in what damage a human bite can actually do, I have found that it can in fact puncture skin due to the sheer strength that out jaw muscles have. It is possible for our mouths to completely detach a section of skin from someone's body, nose and ears being the likely candidates. Not only this, a human bite is also a lot worse than say, a dog bite. Trauma wise a dog bite would be much more significant but a human bite is extremely prone to infections if the skin is torn.
![]() | /bitefromhuman.jpg |
Despite an extremely pixilated image this is an example of a human bite mark that no blood was drawn
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Again, another example of just bruising but this time it seems as though the the attacker has sucked as well giving the victim a slight love bite effect where the tongue would be
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This was a woman bite mark a day later so still pretty bloody in regards to the bruises under the skin
My main focus right now is to get the shape right and consider the colouring and blood nearer the end. I wanted mine to be original to anything that I have seen as well as being anatomically correct, I wanted to capture a real bite so I tried biting my skin but didn't quite show up and to try and make it show up was actually quite painful. So I decided to bite into an apple and see what shapes it made and try and make my clay mould from that. I might go and buy round polystyrene balls and get my friends to bite into them and use that as a primary reference point. The only problem is is that my apple was quite big and depending on if I chose my bite mark to be on an area that is a lot smaller/thinner it might not relate properly. Never the less here are some of the examples. I also saw the difference of it on my skin to the apple.
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