Saturday 24 October 2015

Evaluation For Wound

Overall I am very satisfied with my final outcome originally I thought I was going to complete my piece the first time round but I am actually really glad that it didn't go how I would have like it the first time. Mainly because I feel doing the look twice helped me over come situations that I didn't necessarily see as an issue immediately for example, the skin appearance of the practice shot. I didn't see this as being an issue until I had uploaded my image onto my blog and then realised that it looks too fake and too staged similarly to the actual wound itself - the colouring looked awful first time round. Re doing my look also gave me chances to change certain things about it that I didn't see to be the main focus like the garments and the hair: all of this together really made the image. The first practice was the first time that I have ever applied a prosthetic piece so for the outcome to be decent was probably a long shot. Although it wasn't terrible it wasn't as good as my final, I trimmed the baldez which gave me less to blend out with alcohol thus creating a smoother application. Overall I am very happy with how my look came out especially as it was a very hard thing to do to make it believable and not to fantastical. As I had previously mentioned, the black eye got very bleached out with the flash resulting in it looking just tired, never the less you can still slightly see it.

Final Look

Finally! This is how my character looked in my head. My practice and final
can't even compete, this one is just so much more suited to what I was going for and what the guidelines asked from me. An obvious criticism that sticks out to me would be the black eye, I feel the flash really bleached it out and it doesn't have as much impact as it does in real life. Never the less I am really happy with how this has come out.


Once I found out how I was going to remove the wound and apply the wound to the body and make the edges look seamless I was able to start practising. This was my first attempt.

At first everything was going fine, the application was relatively smooth and the blending went quite well. Until I got to the colouring of the wound, I really don't like anything I have done in my practice attempt, the colouring is too intense and makes it look really fake and really theatrical which wasn't what I had intended. For my final look I am going to make the majority of the wound blend into the skin with only a slight bit of red around the outside to represent the swollen skin, and more of the darker red tone inside the wound itself. Another issue was that my actual face make up was too caked on and didn't look as natural as I wanted it to, again, too theatrical. Next time I am leaving my model base free and only slightly emphasising the under eye bags and sores on noes and hollowed cheeks. The thing that I though was really successful was the black eye - I really like how that came out, it looks natural but against the extremely pale thick complexion makes it look fake. I'm also not happy with the hair (bottom picture) I think I am going to do it more of a mid length pony tail with bits of hair hanging down. Either way, I am very glad I don't have to use this as my final outcome as it definitely doesn't suit the idea in my head.

Placement Of Wound And The Effect

As you know I have chosen to have my wound on the neck of my model, this is not a typical place to have a bite mark but then again where is. I found it very difficult to find a place that would be some what believable to put a bite mark; not many people bite people enough to leave a mark. Never the less I chose to do it on the neck.

Even though I am not doing a cut I thought it would be interesting to look at what areas affect what and do what when cut. I don't expect my wound would be deep enough to do any of these things because that would be an impressive bite. Human bite carries a lot of infections so I am going to look at what an infection does to a wound.

In regards to getting a cut on the neck:

- If any of the Carotid arteries are cut the person will die within minutes by bleeding to death.
- If any of the Jugular veins are cut you will die within minutes as well but this time from an air embolism which is basically a gas bubble in the blood stream which blocks any blood flow.
- If any muscles were cut or damaged, you will most likely not die but suffer difficulties with you're next in the future.
- If any nerves are effects then you will have to suffer muscle deformity and lack of sensation in certain areas.

An infection can effect a wound in very simple but minor ways. The common ones are red and sore around the cut with puss coming out. It also can make you feel dizzy and a fast heartbeat and also give you a slight fever depending on the extent of the infection and how you're immune system sorts it out. Most infections can be sorted by just keeping the wound clean but sometimes antibiotics are used to combat it as well.

Cuts and Bruises - The Stages

Even though I am not specifically looking at cuts my wound would still have broken the skin so I technically I am looking at that. Due to the fact my bite mark is brand new on my character the bruising will be little to non existent however, my character is a victim of domestic violence so will have various other bruises over her face. For example, I will be giving her a black eye that will be about 2/3 days old.


1. Depending on the deepness of the cut the wound would be bleeding a lot, a blood clot is then formed, type of cut depends on the time it takes the body to form a blood clot. The bleeding is reduced to a minimum.

2. Soon after the initial reaction the wound starts to get inflamed to help send cells to the effected area, this will cause the skin to slightly swell and become red. Wet blood is still present but not squirting everywhere. This is the stage I am going to reproduce when it comes to my wound.

3. 2-3 days after the wound has occurred cells are released to try and close the wound this would then form a scab.

4. This stage may take up to a year to be complete but collagen is released to try to remake the skin and replace the scab, this is how scarring is made



1. The effected area will immediately have no bruising only swelling and redness.

2. Only after a few days will a bruise appear - the colour of a bruise represents something different.

Red - Sometimes occurs when you first get a bruise, this is blood leaking out nearer the surface.
Blue - Depending on the depth of the bruise you see this a few days after, its the blood thats leaked losing oxygen.
Purple/Black - After a couple days, red blood cells start to breakdown and release iron causing this colouration.

3. A bruise will stay this colour for a few days until it started to change.

Green - This signals that your bruise is starting to fade, this usually happens around the edges.
Yellow - This is the final stage and the signal that the bruise is quite old and will be gone soon.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Character Synopsis + Look

The character for my bite mark is going to relate to a domestic rape scene, where a young girl is being domestically abused by her boyfriend and she turns down his offer for sex. He obviously doesn't respect her wishes and continues to have sex with her without her consent. Psychologically he's messed up, she fights back, he continues to throw punches and forces her down, he then fulfils his psychotic fetish's and starts biting her on the neck, he then obviously bites down too hard and breaks the skin drawing blood and leaving a bruised, bloody indented bite mark on her neck.

She will have little to no 'visible' make up on other than a smudge bit of mascara under the eyes. On one eye there will be a black eye, a few days old will be slightly yellow and slightly purple. Chapped and bloody lips, heavy bags under her eyes from crying and lack of sleep. Pale thin skin with drawn in cheekbones to portray her malnourished body and of course the bruised bloody bite mark on her neck. Face chart below replicates what I just said. The whole aesthetic to my final photo will relate to the scene above and also her previous situations, she will be looking lifeless and sorry for herself.

Thursday 15 October 2015

How to Cast Your Silicone Mould.


3/4  Measuring cups
Glue gun
Fixing spray
Cling film
Silicone A
Silicone B
Old brushes
Pigment (if desired)
Many sets of gloves


1. Spray with fixing spray.
2. Spray with petrolise
3. Cut a measuring cup in half and glue down around the mould and seal  and edges with glue gun.
4. Making sure scales and work surface are covered with cling film.
5. Measure silicones, 30g x 30g (Depending on size but both silicones have to be the same) changing gloves and sticks between them both.
6. Mix together,
7. Pour over sculpture in back and fourth motion


1. Remove silicone from mould.
2. Clean with isopropanol.
3. Spray mould with petrolise
4. Super baldez 1:2 Isoprpanol.
5. 2/3 layers of baldez - making sure to go wider than the wound so it replicates skin.
6. Leave to dry between each layer.
7. 8g of A
    8g of B
    10/12g of Deadner depending on area of skin, for a softer area like face you'd use more deadner
Using these as a basic measurement you can work out how much you would need to make depending on the size of the wound you are filling.
8. Add pigment.
9. Fill the mould and using a straight edge scrape over the top.
10. Let to dry.

Below are my casts being created and finished, I have yet to take them out the moulds as I don't know how I would do that as of yet.


After being given my wound that I would have to create I decided to get started on moulding what I wanted them to look like with the plasteline that we were given. To start off with I actually really struggled to come up with a concept and a way of doing it but then I realised I could just use my own teeth to bite into it. I wanted to create more than 1 to keep my options open and give me more freedom when designing my character. After creating my mould my initial idea of linking it to my hybrid has gone down the drain as I have come up with a new character. I will go into more detail about this in a future blog post. For now, here are the moulds I have created:

MOULD 1 - Not too deep, around the neck area.

I decided to create a bit that would look suitable if placed on the neck - so it cant be too deep and the front teeth would be doing the most damage, I think this is the one I am going to go for because my character works better with a bite on her neck rather than any where else. It also reflects a pair of teeth being dug in rather than full on bite.

MOULD 2 - Deep, somewhere where all the teeth would be visible if bitten, the arm for example.

I then decided to look at a deep bite with majority of the teeth visible, a good placement for this would be the arm or leg as the skin is a lot softer and malleable. However I feel this isn't realistic enough for my character and I also couldn't conjurer up a story to go alongside it, but I'll see what one comes out the best when casted.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Human Bite

We randomly drew Human Bite - comparing it to others in the class I personally think it's one of the hardest, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ever so slightly daunted by the concept of doing this and after doing some research I am even more so. Funnily enough there wasn't many real human bites on the internet and the majority of ones I have seen are prosthetics. With the real ones that I have found most of the human bites haven't drawn any blood and there is just bruising - with this information I have to consider whether I want to go with just bruising or to look into whether the human teeth can puncture skin and add some blood to my wound.

Before I looked into examples of human bites I wanted to do some research into teeth, with basically 0 knowledge of the human mouth and how much damage it can do I thought this would be the best place to start.

Incisors - Cut and slice food when taking a bite, the bottom set would leave quite a mark on the the skin.

Canine - Sharpest of all the teeth, these are used to chew and rip food also. Would leave the deepest mark on the skin

Premolars - Crush the food when chewing, depending on how big the persons jaw is these will only slightly leave a mark.

Molars - Chew food. These shouldn't be seen in a bite mark due to the placement in the mouth.

After doing some research in what damage a human bite can actually do, I have found that it can in fact puncture skin due to the sheer strength that out jaw muscles have. It is possible for our mouths to completely detach a section of skin from someone's body, nose and ears being the likely candidates. Not only this, a human bite is also a lot worse than say, a dog bite. Trauma wise a dog bite would be much more significant but a human bite is extremely prone to infections if the skin is torn.


Despite an extremely pixilated image this is an example of a human bite mark that no blood was drawn


Again, another example of just  bruising but this time it seems as though the the attacker has sucked as well giving the victim a slight love bite effect where the tongue would be


This was a woman bite mark a day later so still pretty bloody in regards to the bruises under the skin

My main focus right now is to get the shape right and consider the colouring and blood nearer the end. I wanted mine to be original to anything that I have seen as well as being anatomically correct, I wanted to capture a real bite so I tried biting my skin but didn't quite show up and to try and make it show up was actually quite painful. So I decided to bite into an apple and see what shapes it made and try and make my clay mould from that. I might go and buy round polystyrene balls and get my friends to bite into them and use that as a primary reference point. The only problem is is that my apple was quite big and depending on if I chose my bite mark to be on an area that is a lot smaller/thinner it might not relate properly. Never the less here are some of the examples. I also saw the difference of it on my skin to the apple.

History Of Prosthetics

Before the 1930's the idea of make up being an art form was not recognised, their creative integrity and imagination was simply diminished and the idea of it being art was founded by people that would be simply applying make up to themselves for various roles, like actors, stunt men etc. These people would technically be considered a make up artist in this day and age.
Similar products were used back then as they do today although they are very basic in relation to today's silicones. It included spirit gum, fish skin, cotton, gelatine, greasepaints, clay, cheesecloth, fullers earth etc.

Early prosthetics are mentioned in a book written by Cavendish Morton The Art of Theatre Make Up 1909. It mentions in this book how he used silk attatched to a wig, nose paste, spirit gum and greasepaint to transform himself. Below are the images.

Lon Chaney the man known as A Man of a Thousand Faces created his own make up for the film 'Phantom of the Opera' (1925) and continued to do so for all his acting parts, a pure example of actors having to do their own make up and own looks for the parts they have then got to act in.

Introduction To Project Breif

For the main part of this project we have been asked to create a Hybrid character that would fit into an environment of our own choice. This character has to have certain (prosthetic) elements to it to show that it has adapted and evolved from its environment - to do this I am going to start looking into different ecosystems and different animals and creatures that live in these specific paces to gain inspiration.

For the first part of the brief we have been asked to create a wound, the type of wound depends of what you randomly drew, you don't necessarily have to link it to the human hybrid part of the project but to help with the story behind my character and why they got that wound I might try and incorporate the 2 together if I am allowed.

The New part of the title refers to to creation of our human hybrid and where he/she/it came from.

My interest in prosthetics was the main reason I wanted to study hair and make up at university, I enjoyed the idea of either creating something so realistic or creating something so fantastical but also has to look somewhat believable. I was sceptical about what to expect for second year and if it was really going to suit my needs but after hearing the project brief I've realised that this is right down my street and can't wait to actually get properly into designing it. At current I am not fearing anything about this project - guarantee in a few weeks this will change.